Como hay muchas personas quienes quieren conseguir mucho dinero en el menos tiempo posible, y con el menos esfuerzo posible, hay personas quienes quieren aprender Ingles. Esto deseo de conseguir algo grande de manera facil ha causado muchas personas a perder su dinero y tiempo.
Para que un programa de aprendizaje sea estafa, es necesario tener los siguente carateristicas:
Los vendedores del curso dicen que usted va aprender el idioma Ingles avanzado con fluidez dentro de 6-8 meses. Los vendedores utilizan la manipulacion psycologica para convencerte a firmar un contrato. Ellos te hacen sentir como una persona sin autonomia y con dependencia en su pareja o familiares si usted no firma el contrato. los vendedores también ofrecen ofertas de 2 por 1, o 3 por 1 para vender el sistema de cualquier manera posible. Realmente, hay muy poco vendedores que saben Ingles, y nunca han utilizado el programa para aprender Ingles.
Realmente lo que pasa es que una persona pone toda su confianza en el dicho intituto, pero despues de firmar el contrato, el instituto no esta obligado a darle clases, porque las clases no estan mencionado en el contrato. Las clases son algo "extra". He visto varias personas quienes han perdido su dinero. Como ex-profesor de unos de estos sistemas, los libros de dicho sistemas, mayormente tiene muchos errores. La idea de estos empresas es para vender los libros y ganar mucho dinero, en vez de asegurar que la gente realmente aprenda ingles con fluidez. Sus salones de clases estan lleno de gente de diferente niveles, y los estudiantes se sienten perdidos. En una escala de aprendizaje 0 a 10, Los mejores estudiantes normalmente se quejan que en vez de aprender Ingles por completo segun la promesa de la empresa, ellos aprende solo hasta 3. Los demas estudiantes salen de estos programas con menos conocimiento que 2 de la misma escala. Una empresa con un programa aun teniendo mucha reputacion debido a su inversion en una gran cantidad de anuncios puede resultar en ser una estafa cuando usted descubre que usted no aprendio mucho despues de mucha inversion de tiempo y dinero. Si estas interesado en un programa de aprendizaje, y quieres verificar si es una estafa o no, hay que entrar en una pagina de busqueda y escribir: el nombre del programa y estafa. Hay que hacer muchas investigaciónes para verificar, leer todos los comentarios de las personas quienes han atendido el programa. Quizas usted ha escuchado acerca de varios programas de aprendisaje de Ingles basado en anuncios por televisor, por el internet, o en la radio. Hay muchas personas quienes pierden su dinero. El aprendizaje de Ingles no viene dentro de un paquete o una caja. Si alguien te quiere vender un programa completa con la promesa de aprender Ingles en un tiempo corto, hay 100% probabilidad que dicho sistema es una estafa. No te dejes engañar. El aprendizaje de Ingles lleva dedicacion, esfuerzo, tiempo y practica. Si quieres aprender Ingles, hay muchisimo recursos gratis en el internet, institutos, y clases particulares. Buena suerte en su aprendisaje.
Para expresar sus sentimientos debes decir en el siguiente manera:
I am ....................., I feel ......................., or, I am feeling ..................... Example: I am happy, I feel happy, or, I am feeling happy. Many people don't know the real origins of "Thanksgiving". They just have a happy family get-together, pig-out on turkey, and call it a Thanksgiving night. People have even nick-named Thanksgiving as "Turkey Day". The day after, they go crazy spending lots of money that they don't have, on purchasing items they don't need, on a day called "Black Friday". It's called black due to the streets getting crowded with mobs of people in search of "deals". Do you remember reading those scary stories about how the monsters would first feed children a lot of food, fatten them up, and then eat them? The same idea is carried in Thanksgiving. You eat very well on Turkey Day and fall into deep sleep. The next day you have to wake up very early for the early-bird specials. What happens is that people are walking around like half-asleep zombies grabbing anything and everything they think is a good deal. But not to get too side-tracked, what really began the Thanksgiving day? Who declared it as a national holiday of feasting and festivities? The first official "Day of Thanksgiving" was proclaimed in 1637 by Governor Winthrop. He did so to celebrate the safe return of men from Massachusetts who had gone to Mystic, Connecticut to participate in the massacre of over 700 Pequot women, children, and men. "Massacre" you might ask? Well, there are 2 versions to the "Thanksgiving story". Version 1. The Happy story People in England were being persecuted for their variant religious beliefs. In order to escape religious persecution from the main-stream religion, some of the English left England to re-establish themselves in a new land. They landed in Plymouth, Massachusetts. They were greeted by the American Indians who became their friends. The American Indians helped the incoming English settlers (pilgrims), and so they all had a celebration feast that they called "Thanksgiving". Today, Thanksgiving is a day when the pilgrims gave thanks to God for their survival and journey into the "new world". Version 2. The Historical Facts The English did not need to escape religious persecution in England. They could've went to Holland to escape religious persecution. They came to the North American Continent looking for wealth and power that they could not have in England. That is why they risked their lives in moving. When they landed in the North American continent, they found out that the American Indians were not welcoming them with open arms. So they waged wars against the various tribes of the American Indians. They managed to kill several people and take families as slaves. In subsequent journeys, they transported blankets contaminated with the Small Pox Virus. They gave the blankets to the American Indians to keep them warm for the winter. The American Indians became sick and several of them died as a result. Entire villages were wiped out because they did not know how to face the disease. When the English returned, some saw it as "a sign from God" for them to take over the land. They fought wars after wars against the American Indians, betrayed their trusting nature, and killed the majority. All the while, the English fought against their own England and converted a part of the North American Continent into their own. The long war between the "Pilgrims" and the American Indians finally ended when they managed to push the Indians to the complete south of the Continent. Now, the several of the Indian tribes reside in Mexico and in reservations within the USA. While Thanksgiving is a day of happiness and family-getting together for a lot of the US families, it is observed as a solemn day of mourning by the American Indians, in memory of entire tribes that were wiped out by the "pilgrims" in their search of power, land-ownership, and riches. You can verify all of this material on google under the keywords: origin of thanksgiving, or American Indians and Thanksgiving. You will find countless websites run by American Indian organizations, and Scholars who know the real story behind Thanksgiving. Questions: What is your opinion? Is it good to keep people in the dark about the past, or should people be informed? Should the second version be taught in schools instead of the first version? Do you know of some similar story of your country's past? Sources: |
Author: [email protected]Jacob is an English Teacher and Blogger with several years of Experience as an English teacher. ArchivesCategories |